Human beings communicate with each other and this communication is not only limited to speaking however, human beings also exchange information through writing communication. Communication through writing is not only limited to presenting information rather it requires taking the trouble of walking through the reader’s perspective. Therefore, Metadiscourse emphasizes when we write, we also negotiate with others and make predictions that what kind of effects we are going to have on our listener. The secondary domain interactional Metadiscourse consists of hedges and boosters. These subcategories play a crucial role in mitigating the claim and creates interpersonal solidarity. The current study aims to explore hedging and boosting Metadiscourse markers in second language students’ essays. The employment of linguistic devices would be analyzed through the MetaPak corpus tool. This research is significant since it would bring awareness to employing hedges and boosters. It would allow students to write more interestingly and persuasively. Further, to obtain findings four different disciplines English, Psychology, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering have been taken under study. Moreover, this study has been supported by Hyland’s (2005) model. The study found relatively less employment of hedges and booster in the undergraduate students’ essay with a total of 1727. Further, an in-depth analysis unveiled that undergraduate students mostly remain reluctant to employ different hedges and boosters. Most of the times, they have been spotted to employ repeated hedges and boosters. However, many of the hedges and boosters have been found with zero occurrences. The findings suggest that undergraduate students remain significantly assertive while presenting knowledge. Hence, there is a need to teach academic writing in all programs. Additionally, findings will help future researchers who might conduct a study in the same area of research. It is anticipated that our study would aid in bringing awareness to employing hedges and boosters in academic writing.