Paper Prints Policy


The Contemporary Journal of Social Science Review (CJSSR) is committed to providing authors with a high-quality platform for disseminating their research findings. We encourage authors to submit their original and unpublished work that makes a significant contribution to the field of social science. This Paper Prints Policy outlines the guidelines for authors regarding the printing and distribution of their papers published in CJSSR.

General Policy

  1. Copyright: All published articles in CJSSR are copyrighted by the journal. Authors retain the copyright of their work, but they grant CJSSR the exclusive right to publish their article in print and electronic format.
  2. Open Access: CJSSR is an open access journal, which means that all articles are freely available online to anyone without subscription charges. Authors are encouraged to share their work widely through social media, institutional repositories, and other channels.
  3. Print Copies: CJSSR does not offer print copies of individual articles. However, authors can purchase a print copy of the entire journal issue in which their article is published.
  4. Self-Archiving: Authors can self-archive their published articles in institutional repositories or on personal websites after the publication embargo period has expired. The embargo period is typically 12 months after the publication date.
  5. Reprints and Permissions: Authors can request reprints of their articles for a fee. CJSSR also grants permission to other publishers to reprint articles, provided that the original source is properly cited.

Specific Guidelines for Paper Prints

  1. Ordering Paper Prints: Authors can purchase print copies of the entire journal issue in which their article is published by contacting the CJSSR editorial office.
  2. Cost of Paper Prints: The cost of paper prints will vary depending on the number of copies ordered and the shipping destination.
  3. Delivery Time: Paper prints will typically be shipped within 2-3 weeks of the order being placed.
  4. Refunds and Returns: CJSSR does not offer refunds or returns for paper prints.