"السیرۃ النبویۃ لابن ہشام " منہج و اسلوب اور امتیازات


  • Humera Naz,Mudassar Hussain,Muhammad Ali Raza




The position of sirah or the study of the history of the prophet Muhammad SAW has an important position in the Islamic religious tradition where it ranks second after the study of hadith or sunnah. Thus, this article aims to describe the characteristics of Al.Seerah Al.Nabaviyya by Ibn Hisham. It is known that Ibn Hisham's work was originally a revised book "sirah" belonging to Ibn Ishaq

Ibn Hisham and contemporary Islamic historians have basically set the standard for writing scientific historiography. They must include whatever references they use in their historiography.

Ibn Hisham quoted and added verses of the Qur'an along with their interpretations, as well as well-known and accountable poems. He also referred to the Arabic poetry to explain the Gharaib۔ ul۔ Quran of the relevant chapters (Suras) in the context of various matters of Prophet`s life. The method of writing the nabawiyah sirah of Ibn Hisham is more directed to the writing of hadith, namely history. Ibn Hisham has edited the sources used by Ibn Ishaq in al-Mubtada' by removing weak narrations. He also discarded the poems and overhauled his method so that it was closer to the method of the hadith experts۔




How to Cite

"السیرۃ النبویۃ لابن ہشام " منہج و اسلوب اور امتیازات. (2025). Contemporary Journal of Social Science Review, 3(1), 56-64. https://doi.org/10.12345/wyja7831