Unveiling the Nexus of Managerial Humility and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in Leadership


  • Maham Tariq,Dr. Muhammad Bilal Ahmad,Dr. Nausheen Shakeel,Maryam Sohail


The study investigated managerial humility and organizational citizenship behaviour as mediating roles of employee job satisfaction and employee engagement in public universities in Pakistan.  The study used a cross-sectional research design and a stratified sample of 246 respondents. The information of respondents that are collected through a questionnaire, structural equation modelling was used to test the hypotheses. This study showed that MH has a positive and significant relationship with OCB, JS and EE. The results of the study also showed that JS and EE have a significant positive relationship with OCB. Finally, the study concluded that JS and EE played a partial mediating role in the relationship between MH and OCB. The results show that employees whose supervisors have moderate leadership qualities tend to be satisfied, engaged and ultimately able to demonstrate OCB. that is, humble leaders are an asset to their organizations.




How to Cite

Unveiling the Nexus of Managerial Humility and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in Leadership. (2024). Contemporary Journal of Social Science Review, 2(04), 390-409. https://contemporaryjournal.com/index.php/14/article/view/242