سیر و سیاحت کی سفارتی و ثقافتی بین الاقوامی اہمیت اور فروغ کے لیے اقدامات کا جائزہ سیرت نبویﷺ سے رہنمائی


  • روبینہ شاہین, ڈاکٹر عبدالغفار, سلمی صدیق


Islamic law has permitted travel and tourism. Islam has provided two festivals. Islam has bound travel and tourism to moral and religious limits, has given those etiquettes of travel and tourism that guarantee the welfare and well-being of humans. It has forbidden to cross those limits in travel and tourism that are harmful to humans in religious, moral, social, economic, or any other way. The festivals that are prevalent in other nations are all based on such foundations that are against the globalization of the Muslim nation or are against the belief in monotheism, that is why Islam has not accepted these festivals. Either globalization is affected by them or the belief in monotheism is affected, that is why such festivals have been given by which the belief in monotheism is also fully complete and globalization is also fully emphasized. Therefore, Muslims should avoid these un-Islamic festivals and should explain to their brothers and sisters that when they celebrate, they should celebrate within the limits of Sharia, and when they arrange any travel or tourism, they should do so in accordance with the limits of Sharia. There is both worldly good and the good of the hereafter in this.




How to Cite

سیر و سیاحت کی سفارتی و ثقافتی بین الاقوامی اہمیت اور فروغ کے لیے اقدامات کا جائزہ سیرت نبویﷺ سے رہنمائی. (2025). Contemporary Journal of Social Science Review, 3(1), 1-18. https://contemporaryjournal.com/index.php/14/article/view/283