اسلامی فلاحی و سماجی ریاست کی تشکیل کے لیے دینی سیاسی جماعتوں کا کردار تجزیہ اور آئندہ کے لیے لائحہ عمل ؛پاکستانی تناظر میں


  • عطا الرحمن, ڈاکٹر محمد زید لکھوی


In the Pakistani context, the role of religious political parties in the formation of an Islamic welfare and social state is of historical, political and ideological importance. Since the establishment of Pakistan, these parties have been involved in the struggle to mold the state according to Islamic principles, where justice, equality and human dignity can be implemented. However, various successes and challenges have emerged in this struggle, the analysis of which and the review of the course of action for the future are an important need. Since Pakistan is an Islamic state that was established on the model of the state of Medina, the state's experts, scholars, politicians and authorities have been trying to make Pakistan a truly Islamic welfare and social state by adopting various methods and remembering it as a strong state. To form an Islamic welfare and social state, religious parties will have to adopt the following course of action: Ideological unity: They will have to outline a common Islamic welfare system beyond sectarian differences. Social services: They will have to focus on basic issues such as education, health and employment and improve their reputation among the public. Alignment with Modernity: We need to update our political narrative in line with modern democratic and social demands to attract the younger generation. Participation in Policy Making: Strengthening the system of social justice, financial equality, and accountability through practical involvement at the state level. International Relations: Religious parties need to align their narrative with global Islamic movements and the Muslim world so that Pakistan can be presented as an Islamic welfare state on the global stage.




How to Cite

اسلامی فلاحی و سماجی ریاست کی تشکیل کے لیے دینی سیاسی جماعتوں کا کردار تجزیہ اور آئندہ کے لیے لائحہ عمل ؛پاکستانی تناظر میں. (2024). Contemporary Journal of Social Science Review, 2(04), 13-18. https://contemporaryjournal.com/index.php/14/article/view/243