پاکستان میں زمین کی آباد کاری ،مسائل اورمنصوبہ بندی کا عملی جائزہ تعلیمات سیرت نبویہﷺ سے رہنمائی


  • ڈاکٹر عبدالغفار, محمدعمران خان


Pakistan is an agricultural country and its economic development is based on agriculture and cultivation. Agriculture accounts for about 21% of the country's growth rate and more than 50% of the population is engaged in agriculture. However, despite this, 8 million hectares of the country's total area is uninhabited. There is a need to take effective measures for their settlement, such as draining water from swampy lands, installing tube wells at the government level, etc. To prevent floods, practical measures should be taken to protect water, because due to them, land depopulation is continuously increasing. It is also very important to solve the electricity problems so that farmers do not have difficulty in installing tube wells easily. One solution to this is to strengthen the solar system. During the era of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the state economy was strengthened due to agricultural planning. In a short period of time, foreign exchange was earned by sending grains and cereals from Medina to other countries.




How to Cite

پاکستان میں زمین کی آباد کاری ،مسائل اورمنصوبہ بندی کا عملی جائزہ تعلیمات سیرت نبویہﷺ سے رہنمائی. (2024). Contemporary Journal of Social Science Review, 2(04), 1-12. https://contemporaryjournal.com/index.php/14/article/view/221