Tracing of Transformative Influence of World Englishes on Variations and Shifts in Pakistani English


  • Amir Hafeez Malik,Muhammad Jawwad Tariq,Dr. Muhammad Tariq Ayoub,Sobia Ali,Nasir Abbas,Minahill Ftima


The present qualitative study investigates the emerging identity of Pakistani English (PakE) in a broader World Englishes framework. The main purpose is to explore how contemporary global language practices are impacting and interacting with local language practices. By analyzing data collected informally and through an interview of fifty English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers, this study describes a number of significant variations and shifts occurring in PakE in relation to lexicon, syntax, and pronunciation. The fluidity of PakE is indicative of global exchange influences and local identity practices, reflecting the complexity of language use in Pakistan. The study also investigates the influence of language innovations and shifts associated with a number of educational practices particularly the cognitions of the teacher when teaching PakE. The findings show an importance of language and educational practices that consider and legitimize local contexts of language, and what that legitimization might mean towards more effective language education in Pakistan and beyond. In addition to contributing to a critical dialogue in research relating to World Englishes, this study focuses on recognizing the significance of non-standardized, linguistic variation and diversity in language education.




How to Cite

Tracing of Transformative Influence of World Englishes on Variations and Shifts in Pakistani English. (2024). Contemporary Journal of Social Science Review, 2(04), 1000-1009.